Sanskar is made up of two words Sam and Kar. Sam means ‘being’, ‘good’, and ‘truth’ and the word Kar means ‘work’ or ‘action’.
Sanskar means to improve, purify, and remove an object’s shortcomings and endow a new, attractive form on it. Sanskar refers to a process of increasing our potential by living in awareness.
An example: Eating when hungry is prakruti, eating another’s share is a vikruti and ensuring that all in the household including guests, servants, and cattle have eaten and then eating the food as Prasad (Holy sacrament) after offering it to the Deity as Naivedya is sanskruti Sanskruti includes the good action- Sanskar.
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The world is one family
We would like to begin our first blog with a verse from Maha Upanishad which states, “The world is one family.” It is so valued that it is engraved in the entry to India's parliament building. अयं बन्धुरयंनेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥ Ayam bandhuryamneti ganana laghuchetsam Udarcharitanam tu vasudhaiv kutumbakam The distinction “This person is mine, and this one is not” is made only by the narrow-minded, the ignorant who are in duality. For those of noble conduct, who know the Supreme Truth, the whole world is one family. This is a beautiful verse to ponder upon...