Significance of Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
To invoke the blessings of the Divine Mother and to have a prosperous and peaceful life, devotees chant Mahalakshmi Ashtakam. The chant is considered one of the most auspicious prayers, the mantra brings forth and nurtures auspicious qualities and takes one to the realization of the Self.
Namastestu Mahamaye Shree Pithe Sura Poojite
Shanka Chakra Gadha Haste Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
नमस्तेऽस्तु महामाये श्रीपीठे सुरपूजिते ।
शङ्खचक्रगदाहस्ते महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥१॥
I bow to you O Mahamaya, the one who resides in Sripeetha and is worshipped by Suras (devas),
The one who holds a conch, disc, and mace in her hands, I bow to her, the Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Namaste Garudarudhe Kolasura Bhayankari
Sarva Papa Hare Devi Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
नमस्ते गरुडारूढे कोलासुरभयंकरि ।
सर्वपापहरे देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥२॥
I bow to you, who mounts on Garuda, who destroyed the demon Kolasura,
The Goddess who removes all sins, O Mahalakshmi I bow to you.
Sarvagye Sarva Varade Sarva Dushta Bhayankari
Sarva Duhkha Hare Devi Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
सर्वज्ञे सर्ववरदे सर्वदुष्टभयंकरि ।
सर्वदुःखहरे देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥३॥
The one who knows everything, bestower of all the boons, whose name frightens the wicked,
The Devi who removes all the miseries and sorrows, O Mahalakshmi I bow to you.
Siddhi Buddhi Prade Devi Bhukti Mukti Pradayini
Mantra Moorte Sada Devi Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
सिद्धिबुद्धिप्रदे देवि भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिनि ।
मन्त्रमूर्ते सदा देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥४॥
The giver of skills, intelligence, worldly pleasures, and liberation,
The one who is always an embodied form of mantra, Goddess Mahalakshmi I bow to you.
Adyanta Rahite Devi Adi Shakti Maheshwari
Yogaje Yoga Sambhute Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
आद्यन्तरहिते देवि आद्यशक्तिमहेश्वरि ।
योगजे योगसम्भूते महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥५॥
The Devi who is infinite and represents the primordial energy, Maheshwari,
One who is born out of yoga and is in the minds of all yogis, I bow to you Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Sthula Sukshme Maha Raudre Maha Shakti Mahodare
Maha Papa Hare Devi Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
स्थूलसूक्ष्ममहारौद्रे महाशक्तिमहोदरे ।
महापापहरे देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥६॥
The one present in gross, subtle, and fearsome forms,
That great energy saves the universe by keeping it in her great womb.
O Devi, the remover of the great sins, I bow to you Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Padmasana Sthithe Devi Parabrahma Swaroopini
Parameshi Jagan Mata Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
पद्मासनस्थिते देवि परब्रह्मस्वरूपिणि ।
परमेशि जगन्मातर्महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥७॥
The Devi seated on a lotus in the Padmasana position, whose form represents the supreme being,
O supreme one and the mother of the universe, Mahalakshmi, I bow to you.
Shwetambara Dhare Devi Nanalankara Bushite
Jagasthithe Jaganmata Maha Lakshmi Namoostute
श्वेताम्बरधरे देवि नानालङ्कारभूषिते ।
जगत्स्थिते जगन्मातर्महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते ॥८॥
The one who wears white clothing and is adorned with jewels and various ornaments,
Who preserves and protects the worlds, the mother of the universe, Goddess Maha Lakshmi, I bow to you.
mahālakṣmaṣṭakaṃ stōtraṃ yaḥ paṭhēd bhaktimān naraḥ ।
sarva siddhi mavāpnōti rājyaṃ prāpnōti sarvadā ॥
महालक्ष्म्यष्टकं स्तोत्रं यः पठेद्भक्तिमान्नरः ।
सर्वसिद्धिमवाप्नोति राज्यं प्राप्नोति सर्वदा ॥९॥
ēkakālē paṭhēnnityaṃ mahāpāpa vināśanam ।
dvikālṃ yaḥ paṭhēnnityaṃ dhana dhānya samanvitaḥ ॥
एककाले पठेन्नित्यं महापापविनाशनम् ।
द्विकालं यः पठेन्नित्यं धनधान्यसमन्वितः ॥१०॥
trikālaṃ yaḥ paṭhēnnityaṃ mahāśatru vināśanam ।
mahālakṣmī rbhavēn-nityaṃ prasannā varadā śubhā ॥
त्रिकालं यः पठेन्नित्यं महाशत्रुविनाशनम् ।
महालक्ष्मिर्भवेन्नित्यं प्रसन्ना वरदा शुभा ॥११॥