Yoga - A Way of Life
Duration & Time
- One hour, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday 7:00-8:00 am
Course Details
- Pranayam, Light Stretches And Aasana & Progressive Muscle Relaxation
In person/online
- Online/in-person
Mindful Monday
Duration & Time
- One hour, Monday 7:00-8:00 am
Course Details
- Mindful Breathing, Self Love, Forgiveness, Meaningful Interaction, Mindful Listening, Mindful Eating, Gratitude, A Moment To Breathe & Connect Within
In person/online
- Online/in-person
Vastu Shastra
Duration & Time
- 40 mins x 5 classes
Course Details
- This course is about learning the basics of Vastu Shastra” science of Architecture” and helping to eliminate the superstitions residing in the minds about directions and their negative impact. Course benefits:
- Arranging the spaces to attract positive cosmic energy.
- Understanding the scientific reasons behind the Vastu Principles.
- Vastu art helps in blending nature and the five elements earth, fire, sky, water and air to design.
- Participant age group: Adults
In person/online
- Online
Sattvic Cooking
Duration & Time
- 40 mins class Every Thursday 6:00 p.m. from April 6, 2023 till June 8, 2023 (10 Classes)
Course Details
- Satvik comes from the Sanskrit word “Sattva” which means pure, clean and strong energy. Sattvic diets are rich in fresh, nutrient-dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, sprouted whole grains, fresh fruit juices, legumes, nuts, seeds, and herbal teas.
In person/online
- Online